Hip Brace

250,000 د.ا

In addition to stabilization, hip braces provide compression to your body. Compression helps increase blood flow and reduces swelling. This keeps the joints warm, flexible and safe

  • Hip fracture
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Femoral head resection
  • Hip replacement recovery
  • Post-operative hip revision
  • In addition to stabilization, hip braces provide compression to your body. Compression helps increase blood flow and reduces swelling. This keeps the joints warm, flexible and safe


There are many types of hip support braces. They can help with different conditions. In general, a hip brace keeps your hips level so they can safely heal. Typically, a hip brace is called a hip abduction brace. It holds your thighbone safely in your hip socket. It can also keep hips and knees separated at a certain angle.

There are also hip-knee braces. A soft band or sleeve wraps around your thigh and connects to the hip part of the brace. A hip-knee brace aligns and supports both parts of your body.

The goal of a hip brace is to stabilize your hip and pelvic area after trauma. It can also:

  • Balance your walk
  • Limit range of motion
  • Act as a shock absorber
  • Align your hip, pelvis and knee
  • Redistribute pressure on your hip and pelvis


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