There are a number of back conditions for which a thoracolumbosacral orthosis (TLSO) can be helpful. TLSO refers to the region of the back these braces support, including the thoracic, lumbar and sacrum part of the spine. It also refers to the area where the thoracic and lumbar sections meet, which is known as the thoracolumbar region. TLSO braces are used to put pressure on unnatural curves that an individual may have, it then slows down the growth to eliminate the progress of the curve. These braces are used if you are diagnosed with a spinal disorder, deformity, or a different problem that needs structural support
المشدات الطبية
Thoracic-lumbo-sacral orthosis (TLSO)
250,000 د.ا
Thoracolumbar sacral orthosis-
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